Tips For Online Schooling

Elizabeth Lisi Ramirez
4 min readJun 21, 2020


Whether you are doing college, high school, or any classes really, you should consider these tips for online courses. Well, IF you want to succeed, I mean. 🤷🏼‍♀️😂

So, I’ve taken classes in the past and now an almost full semester online and I’ve gotta say I’ve learned a few things.

Treat it like a “real” course. Just cause you are not in a physical classroom with physical students, does not mean this isn’t a real class. Believe me, the grades are just as real as in that “real” classroom. So, take it just as seriously.

Time Management. Yep, the thing we all or most of us, in one way or another, suck at. We all hate to hear it but manage your time properly. Write down due dates. Maybe write it on a calendar or set phone reminders or whatever works for you. BUT DO IT. ACTUALLY DO IT. If you don’t manage your time properly, how do you expect yourself to have time for anything else in your life? “Oh but I don’t have time to sort it all out in the first place.” Well, if you sacrificed a bit of time to set it all up, then you’ll have time. Actually, you will have even extra time that you never thought you could have.

Set goals, big AND small goals. Set small, easier, and quicker to attain goals. BUT ALSO, set the bigger goals. So that you can feel you’re getting somewhere when you attain those small goals that are on the way to your bigger goals. It is more satisfying and can help motivate you to keep going.

Focus. Eliminate Distractions. We get it. It is a hard thing to do. Most of us can’t just put our phones away or turn it off. However, we must find ways to not let ourselves get distracted. OR when we do get distracted, then we have to bring ourselves back to focus. Nothing is more important than what you are doing that is important. That made no sense but think about it. It does. Setting priorities come in handy right about here. So, if you say this one task is what is most important than nothing else at that moment in time, then nothing should be able to top it until you finish that task. As soon as you are done, then you can move on. BUT your phone isn’t the only distraction. Make sure to find a place that allows you to focus.

Frequent and short breaks. This is something that works for some people but doesn’t work for most. You are welcome to try it but you have to be honest with yourself IF it does or doesn’t work for you. — You can allow yourself little moments of distracted time. It is a way to keep focused when it’s time to focus. Sometimes when we are on something for too long then our minds/vision starts blurring. That distracted time is when one can get to refresh the mind and vision to be able to focus again. It’s like a pee break. You come back refreshed and ready to go.

Beat deadlines. I know this sounds like a lot of work. But it’s not. If you follow everything above, you can do this easily. Remember once you manage your time you’ll notice you’ll have a little extra time. Start working ahead. You’ll see you’ll be meeting deadlines in no time.

Reward yourself, like for real. Really reward yourself. Find little somethings that you can reward yourself with. Whatever works for you. Just don’t let yourself have it until you are completely done with what’s at hand. Make it a goal.

I think the most important trick I learned was that you have to have some sort of organization. When you are organized, you can SEE what is next. You got to be able to SEE what is next to DO what is next. So, an actual clean working space is important. As well as a nice, clean todo list/calendar. As you start checking things off it might look a little messy to you; so, rewrite it without the finished tasks (of course). And do so every so often.

ALSO… YOU ARE NOT ALONE. If you need help, ask. There are so many resources you can use. Whether it is your teacher, a tutor, or one of your friends, help is out there. You just have to ask.

Online learning is education at your hands. Here’s a picture of that literally.

a hand carrying a desktop screen with the words education on it.



Elizabeth Lisi Ramirez
Elizabeth Lisi Ramirez

Written by Elizabeth Lisi Ramirez

Performer. Director. ASL Interpreter. Influencer. Writer. Photographer. YouTuber. ​I do a lot. It’s just how I like it. @BelieveEli or

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